Pen down your journal to improve your mood


The best way to improve your mood is by maintaining a daily journal. It helps you to prioritize your problems, concerns and fears. You can track any day-to-day symptoms and recognize triggers which will help you better to control them. It is the ultimate way to implement positive self-talk and identify negative thoughts & actions.

Holistic nutrition specialist in Kolkata is here with some questions to pen down in your journal

1.     In case of failure, what would I dare to do?

As per online nutritionist, she would open a free-thinking school where children and their guardians could learn about different topics. It would be a school based on love and presence. Every child would be respected and seen.


2.     What are my assumptions about possible and impossible?

You need to assume whether it’s impossible to have a normal or regular life. And then find out the reason behind your entrapment.


3.     What hill am I willing to die on?

Presence is something important, it helps you expand your consciousness. You need to move beyond your past and expand for the future. Live in the moment and enjoy the little gifts in life.


4.     What will bring joy and fulfilment?

Find what inspires you greatly. Tap deep to find your dreams and ambition.


5.     What is the change you want to bring over the world?

Expand your perspective and understand how you want to lead your daily life. Understand what change you want to implement and how you wish to evolve in life.


6.     If I imagine myself 12 months from now. What is one thing I’m glad I did?

Holistic nutritionist in Kolkata asks everyone to chalk down their dreams and ambition, and make a bucket list to tick off. Analyse how far you have come, and what goals you have achieved.


7.     What do I enjoy doing so much that I’m very good at obtaining remarkable results?

Understand your potential and work on polishing those skills.


8.     Who do I admire? Who are my mentors?

Following life and works of someone will help you set your goals at the right path. SO always find a mentor who will inspire you and guide you with their experiences.

9.     When was the last time I delivered more than was asked of me? What motivated me to do so?

There is nothing bad in giving a pat on the back once in a while. So acknowledge the time when you did your best.



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